
Bradford & District Union of Golf Clubs



< 2025 >

Wednesday 5th 08:00 - 12:40 Branshaw Alliance Branshaw Golf Club
Wednesday 12th 08:00 - 12:56 Baildon Alliance Baildon Golf Club
Wednesday 19th 08:00 - 12:56 West Bradford Alliance West Bradford Golf Club
Friday 16th Baildon Scratch Match at home to West Bradford Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Bradford Scratch Match at home to Northcliffe Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Woodhall Hills Scratch Match at home to South Bradford Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Calverley Scratch Match at home to Rawdon Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Clayton Scratch Match at home to The Manor Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Shipley Scratch Match at home to Keighley Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Bingley St Ives Scratch Match at home to Branshaw Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Bracken Ghyll Scratch Match at home to Ghyll Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Bradford Moor Scratch Match at home to Cleckheaton Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Friday 23rd Bracken Ghyll Scratch Match at home to Bingley St Ives Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Ghyll Scratch Match at home to Bradford Moor Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Branshaw Scratch Match at home to Cleckheaton Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Bradford Scratch Match at home to Baildon Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Keighley Scratch Match at home to Rawdon Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Clayton Scratch Match at home to Shipley Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
West Bradford Scratch Match at home to South Bradford Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Northcliffe Scratch Match at home to Woodhall Hills Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
The Manor Scratch Match at home to Calverley Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Friday 30th Shipley Scratch Match at home to The Manor Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Cleckheaton Scratch Match at home to Bracken Ghyll Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Bradford Moor Scratch Match at home to Branshaw Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Bingley St Ives Scratch Match at home to Ghyll Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Baildon Scratch Match at home to Northcliffe Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Rawdon Scratch Match at home to Clayton Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Calverley Scratch Match at home to Keighley Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Woodhall Hills Scratch Match at home to West Bradford Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
South Bradford Scratch Match at home to Bradford Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Friday 6th Baildon Scratch Match at home to Woodhall Hills Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Northcliffe Scratch Match at home to South Bradford Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
West Bradford Scratch Match at home to Bradford Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Keighley Scratch Match at home to Clayton Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Shipley Scratch Match at home to Calverley Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
The Manor Scratch Match at home to Rawdon Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Bingley St Ives Scratch Match at home to Bradford Moor Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Branshaw Scratch Match at home to Bracken Ghyll Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Ghyll Scratch Match at home to Cleckheaton Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Friday 13th Branshaw Scratch Match at home to Ghyll Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Rawdon Scratch Match at home to Shipley Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Bingley St Ives Scratch Match at home to Cleckheaton Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Bracken Ghyll Scratch Match at home to Bradford Moor Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Keighley Scratch Match at home to The Manor Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
West Bradford Scratch Match at home to Northcliffe Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
South Bradford Scratch Match at home to Baildon Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Bradford Scratch Match at home to Woodhall Hills Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Clayton Scratch Match at home to Calverley Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Friday 27th The Manor Scratch Match at home to Clayton Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Cleckheaton Scratch Match at home to Bradford Moor Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Branshaw Scratch Match at home to Bingley St Ives Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Ghyll Scratch Match at home to Bracken Ghyll Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Rawdon Scratch Match at home to Calverley Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Keighley Scratch Match at home to Shipley Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
West Bradford Scratch Match at home to Baildon Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
South Bradford Scratch Match at home to Woodhall Hills Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Northcliffe Scratch Match at home to Bradford Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Friday 4th Cleckheaton Scratch Match at home to Branshaw Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Bradford Moor Scratch Match at home to Ghyll Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Bingley St Ives Scratch Match at home to Bracken Ghyll Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Shipley Scratch Match at home to Clayton Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Rawdon Scratch Match at home to Keighley Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Calverley Scratch Match at home to The Manor Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Woodhall Hills Scratch Match at home to Northcliffe Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
South Bradford Scratch Match at home to West Bradford Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Baildon Scratch Match at home to Bradford Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Friday 11th Ghyll Scratch Match at home to Bingley St Ives Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Branshaw Scratch Match at home to Bradford Moor Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
The Manor Scratch Match at home to Shipley Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Bracken Ghyll Scratch Match at home to Cleckheaton Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
West Bradford Scratch Match at home to Woodhall Hills Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Keighley Scratch Match at home to Calverley Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Northcliffe Scratch Match at home to Baildon Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Bradford Scratch Match at home to South Bradford Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Clayton Scratch Match at home to Rawdon Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Friday 18th Rawdon Scratch Match at home to The Manor Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Cleckheaton Scratch Match at home to Ghyll Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Bracken Ghyll Scratch Match at home to Branshaw Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Bradford Moor Scratch Match at home to Bingley St Ives Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Clayton Scratch Match at home to Keighley Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Calverley Scratch Match at home to Shipley Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Woodhall Hills Scratch Match at home to Baildon Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
South Bradford Scratch Match at home to Northcliffe Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Bradford Scratch Match at home to West Bradford Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Friday 25th Baildon Scratch Match at home to South Bradford Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Northcliffe Scratch Match at home to West Bradford Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Woodhall Hills Scratch Match at home to Bradford Scratch (Scratch League Division One 2025)
Calverley Scratch Match at home to Clayton Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Shipley Scratch Match at home to Rawdon Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
The Manor Scratch Match at home to Keighley Scratch (Scratch League Division Three 2025)
Bradford Moor Scratch Match at home to Bracken Ghyll Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Cleckheaton Scratch Match at home to Bingley St Ives Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)
Ghyll Scratch Match at home to Branshaw Scratch (Scratch League Division Two 2025)

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.