1. The Union shall be called “THE BRADFORD AND DISTRICT UNION OF GOLF CLUBS”, hereinafter called “The Union.”
2. The objects of the Union shall be:
(a) To further the best interest of Golf and to provide opportunities for discussing matters of common interest amongst the Member Clubs of the Union, hereinafter called “Member Clubs.”
(b) To further the interests of the Member Clubs.
(c) To arrange Championships, Competitions, Matches and other Golf Meetings to be competed in by Member Clubs and their individual Members.
(d) To conform to the requirements of the WHS Handicap Scheme, when running Qualifying competitions, and return scores to the Area Authority (England Golf) as appropriate.
3. Membership of the Union for recognised Golf Clubs in the area, which are affiliated to the English Golf Union, shall be subject to election by the Executive Committee.
4. The annual subscription for Member Clubs shall be determined by the Executive Committee and shall be due within 28 days of receipt of the account by the Member Club. No club (or its members) whose subscription is in arrears shall be entitled to enter any Golf Meeting of the Union, and any entry made by such Member Club (or its members) shall be void.
5. The Officers of the Union shall be President; Senior Vice-President; Junior Vice-President; (nominated by a committee of Past Presidents) Immediate Past President; Honorary Secretary; Honorary Treasurer; Honorary Competition Secretary; Honorary League Secretary; Honorary Junior League Secretary; Winter Competition Secretary; and Junior Organiser. All of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall continue in office until the next Annual General Meeting.
6. From time to time the Executive may approve a recommendation from the Management Committee or a proposal from a Member Club of the appointment of a person to the position of Life Vice-President in recognition of special services rendered to the Union, and / or amateur golf.
7. The affairs of the Union shall be managed by an Executive Committee, consisting of the Officers of the Union and two official representatives from each of the Member Clubs, both of whom shall be allowed to vote.
Each Member Club may invite other interested members to attend as observers, at the discretion of the President. Life Vice-Presidents and Past Presidents shall also be Members of the Executive Committee and entitled to vote.
The Committee shall meet twice a year in April and October and at such time as may be deemed necessary by the President. Seven days notice of all meetings shall be given and ten voting representatives shall form a quorum.
8. All Golfing activities shall be managed by The Golf Committee, consisting of the Committee Chairman; Senior Vice-President; Junior Vice-President; Honorary General Secretary, Honorary League Secretary, Honorary Competition Secretary; Team Captain; Honorary Junior League Secretary; Winter Competition Secretary and Junior Organiser. The Golf Committee may co-opt other members as they may from time to time determine.
9. Entry Fees for competitions shall be decided by the Golf Committee in consultation with the Finance Committee, and notified to Member Clubs before the first competition each year.
10. An Annual General Meeting shall be held during the month of February, at which reports and accounts for the year ending 31st October preceding shall be presented. At least 14 days notice thereof shall be given by the Honorary Secretary to each Member Club.
11. A Special Meeting shall be convened by the President and the Honorary Secretary when they deem it necessary or upon receipt of a written request from any two Member Clubs.
The Honorary Secretary shall give at least 14 days notice of such a meeting and the business to be transacted there at to all Member Clubs. Only business of which such notice has been given shall be transacted. A resolution must receive a majority of 2/3 of voting members present to be approved.
12. At an Annual General Meeting and Special Meeting, the Officers of the Union; Past Presidents of the Union; Life Vice - Presidents of the Union and two representatives from each Member Club shall be entitled to vote. Voting representatives of seven Member Clubs shall form a quorum.
13. In the event of a tied vote at any meeting, the Chairman shall have the casting vote
14. The Honorary Secretary shall attend and take minutes of all Executive & Management meetings and such other meetings as requested and shall keep in a book and/or electronic copy the correct minutes of all proceedings, and shall produce such minutes at all meetings. He shall prepare and send copies of a yearly financial statement, prepared by the Honorary Treasurer, duly checked by a competent person, or persons, as selected by the management committee, to the Secretary of each Member Club at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting, together with a notice inviting nominations for the posts of non-presidential officers.
15. A Member Club wishing to withdraw from the Union shall give notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary no later than 30th September in any year, but shall be liable for any annual subscription due and unpaid at the date of resignation.
16. The Executive shall appoint a Management Committee to conduct the affairs of the Union between the meetings of the Executive and such powers shall be vested in it as the Executive may from time to time decide.
The Management Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Union, Past Presidents and three other elected members. The Management Committee may also co-opt other members as it deems necessary. Five members shall form a quorum except for the settlement of golfing disputes which will be decided by the Golf Committee.
Members (other than ex-officio members) elected to the Management Committee at each Annual General Meeting shall hold office for a maximum of 3 years and shall be eligible to vote at all meetings unless removed by a resolution at an Executive Meeting. At each Annual General Meeting the members of the Management Committee (other than ex-officio members) who have completed their term of office shall be eligible to stand for re-election.
The Golf Committee shall ensure that the Rules and Regulations and the conditions governing Championships, Competitions, Leagues, Alliances and golf meetings are complied with.
The Management Committee is authorised to deal with any breach of such Rules and Regulations and conditions or of discipline, and to impose sanctions upon any club, player or person adjudged to have committed such breach. Without prejudice to the generality of these Rules and Regulations, the Management Committee shall have the following powers, namely:-
(a) to appoint and determine the composition, terms of reference and delegated powers of such sub-committees, as it shall consider appropriate to form.
(b) without prejudice to the generality of the preceding sub-clause, to appoint and delegate disciplinary powers to a Disciplinary Sub-Committee, such powers to be exercised in accordance with the terms and conditions for the conduct of disciplinary sub-committees from time to time issued by the English Golf Union and
(c) to formulate and implement conditions and requirements for affiliation of a club to the Union.
17. Alterations to these Regulations shall only be made at an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting of the Union.